Buying New Construction in Seattle? Make Sure Your Realtor is Doing These 4 Important Things
- Matt Miner,
- February 1, 2018
If you know you want to buy new construction, you need to make sure that you work with a real estate agent who is experienced in dealing with new construction. How do you make sure you’re working with the right agent?
When you’re interviewing agents, here are a few questions to ask:
We’re going to walk you through our process for working with clients who are interested in buying new construction, and we’ll also share some important things to take note of as you’re touring homes with your agent.
First and foremost…
A lot of people view new construction as being this pristine, brand new perfect thing that won’t have anything wrong with it. And a lot of times, at first glance, it can definitely appear this way. But new does not equal perfect. It’s still a handmade, customized product created by humans.
When we’re helping a Seattle homebuyer find new construction, here’s a few things we always make sure to do:
We always do this for our clients. We even do sewer scopes on new construction, because this part of the home isn’t always new. (There are some agents out there who don’t understand why we do this… it’s “new,” right? But the sewer might not be, and there could be underlying issues.)
We call this our “Blue Tape Party”! Long, long before closing, we’ll go through the home with blue tape and mark things that need to be repaired. Does a drawer in the kitchen not quite close right? Does the bathtub need some caulking touch ups? (Read more about this process here.)
We let the builder know ASAP what repairs need to be made so they have ample time to get everything done before closing.
Usually 5 days before closing, we’ll do a final walk through to make sure everything is taken care of.
In everything that I do as your REALTOR®, I have one guiding principle in mind: To make certain that your home-buying or selling experience is a happy, successful, wonderful life experience! We build trust and security with our clients using knowledge and transparency.