The ONE Neighborhood Feature That Will Absolutely Change Your Life
- Matt Miner,
- October 12, 2019
Living in close proximity to a grocery store can literally change your life and revolutionize the way you eat!
We happen to just LOVE living close to a good market because we love the lifestyle it offers—you can stop by frequently for fresh ingredients, just buying for one or two meals at a time. You can think about what you want for dinner and be to the store and back for ingredients in merely minutes. (It’s very European! ;-] )
But aside from personal preferences, here are some big perks of living close to a quality grocery store:
According to The Food Trust’s “Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research,” “Living closer to healthy food retail is associated with better eating habits and decreased risk for obesity and diet-related diseases.”
When you get to go to the store and check out all of the delicious looking fresh fruits and veggies, it’s SO much easier to get inspired to cook healthier dishes! And being close to a food source also means you don’t have to stock up as much, which means fewer pre-packaged foods and meals with weird preservatives in them. (Plus, a hidden benefit is the fact that you have some built-in exercise when you’re walking to and from the store! Win, win.)
According to this Washington Post article, Americans each waste an average of about one pound of food per day. Considering the impact that food production has on our environment, this is all the more heartbreaking. As of 2018, according to this USA Today article, American households spend $7,203 per year on average on food. Every home is going to vary a lot, but you can be sure that the average American also throws away hundreds of dollars in wasted food—literally money in the garbage. When you can go to the grocery store as frequently as you want and just buy what you need for the day, both food waste AND financial waste can be cut down drastically.
Our latest listing in Seattle’s Wedgwood neighborhood is just 0.3 miles to QFC, 0.3 miles to Safeway, and only a couple miles to Whole Foods, PCC, and Metropolitan Market—picking up fresh ingredients or grabbing something delicious from the deli for dinner is super easy and convenient!
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